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Get Paid to help business owners grow

"Discover How Entrepreneurs
(Like You) Are earning Passive Income

Simply By Helping Business Owners

Grow their business!"

19Hours: 10Minutes: 34Seconds

From The Desk Of: Olawale Oladapo
Subject: Discover How You Can Earn Passive Income Through Your Network Of Business Owners.

Dear Friend,

Do you know month after month business lenders originates over $200 MILLION in business loans and pay out over $10 MILLION in commissions?

And, in just 2022 alone, over $120 MILLION was paid out in commission to loan brokers and over $24 MILLION was paid out to referral partners. 

On top of that, multiple referral partners have created sustainable source of income for their family and their business through this awareness.

"This is a wake up call..."

The lack of access to business capital has significant consequences for most small businesses... 

Some businesses fail, while some become victims of unfortunate events because they couldn't find help when needed the most...

Those who come to their rescue get rewarded handsomely $$$... 

Imagine how many business owners in your network are desperately searching for help TODAY?...

What if you can learn how to help your network and get paid for your time...  

Here is the Question that kept me up at night...

After helping multiple small businesses all across the United States and 50% of the time I am in communication with a third party (i.e. The accountant, The Bookkeeper)… 

I ask myself, why do so much work gathering bunch of loan documents, helping the other guy secure thousand of dollars...

AND NOT GETTING PAID!!!... Did he know he could?!! 

This is the question that kept me up at night... 

A story that changed it all...

One day I received a phone call from an unknown caller...

It turns out it was a guy who knows a business owner I helped in the past...

He said "Hi is this Olawale?"... "Yes" I answered... 

"I have a friend who needs...."

It turns out he was referring a business owner to me for assistance in securing an expansion loan...

2 days after successfully finalizing the loan process, I called him back and said "my firm would be sending you a piece of document, once completed you should expect about $1,050 wired to you"...

($1,050) That was the commission he earned for referring a business I was able to help...

And that day I thought to myself, what if he could build a business around this?...

What if other people can learn how easy the process is?.... 

That's why TAG Partner Program was created: Empower Yourself, Get Paid, and Support Your Network of Business Owners!"

With the aid of TAG Partner Program, I was hoping to help bring awareness to the income stream you have been snoozing on...

But more than anything, I had a bigger hope...

I figured if I can share this with you...

Maybe YOU could help save more Dreams, by helping business owners bring their Dreams to Reality...

So I made it a mission to share this with YOU...

19Hours: 10Minutes: 34Seconds

So I reached out to the owner of the firm I work with, The Accredited Group AKA TAG...

TAG has been around for over 2 decades, and I know Mark has a lot on his plate... 

...But I asked away...

Hi Mark 

If someone sends us referrals, what would be in it for them?....

What do they get?... 
What kind of products can they offer?...
What kind of resources would they have access to?...

And can they build a business model around sending us referrals?...

- Olawale Oladapo

I wanted to know exactly what he would say...

I will admit, I was super anxious at the thought of sending the email!

I didn't know if he would respond. 

And if he did email me back, I wasn't sure if all my questions would actually be answered. 

But I took a leap of faith, hit the "send" button anyways, and waited impatiently to hear back from him. 

A few days after, I was left in disbelief with his answer....

And Here is Exactly what the answer was!

All Partners get a 30% Commission on closed Transactions... 

All Partners Get to build a team and a business model generating 5% override on team members...

All Partners Gets a Personalized Landing Page...

All Partners Get a Personalized Business Management Portal... 

All Partners Gets a Dedicated Loan Specialist...

After delving into the email, my heart leaped with joy!...

The news it carried left me absolutely thrilled and bubbling with excitement!...

I realized I needed to share this with as many people as possible.

Honestly my original intention was to package this information in a webinar and sell it...

But because I know what it is truly worth, and how much I would have to charge if I were to sell the webinar…

I knew that if I did, the people who needed it the MOST, wouldn’t be able to afford them.

I had a decision to make...

Do I sell this information for its FULL value and put it into the hands of just a few people...

Or do I somehow make it available to everyone and change a LOT of lives?

I had 2 days to decide...

The Unthinkable...


I’m not going to lie, I was almost caught up on the numbers and how much I would make selling this information…

Then I remembered my conversation with Mark!

Giving Is Receiving.... Which is why the Information is being shared with you for free Today!

19Hours: 10Minutes: 34Seconds

This Webinar Would Change your world

You will view your world through a different lens and see opportunities everywhere you go...

  • ​You Get a Knowledge of  The Business Lending World.
  • ​You Get Access to Industry Top Lending Resources.
  • ​You Get Cutting Edge Technology To Run Your Operations. 
  • ​You Get Custom Landing Page. 
  • ​You Get a Custom Referral Page. 
  • ​You Get a Dedicated Loan Officer. 
  • ​You Get the Credibility Backing from TAG

So... whats the Catch!?!

Well, unlike most people who are selling information on how to make money online…

I don’t make the majority of my money by TEACHING people how to make money.

I have the luxury of actually working with you to help these business owners.

So when you make money, I make money!

So, unlike the other “gurus” who make their money just selling information...

...I don’t have to charge you for access to the webinar.

Instead, I just have to help you gain the knowledge and resources you need.

Makes sense...right?

Because Of That, I’m Able To GIVE YOU Access To The Webinar That Could Easily Be Sold For $2,000... For FREE!

I’d like to see the other “gurus” do that… ha ha.

They won’t, because they CAN’T.

They make money by selling you courses… I make money by actually making you successful… BIG DIFFERENCE.

19Hours: 10Minutes: 34Seconds

I want to MAKE SURE you show up AND take action on the knowledge...

So, I’m Going To keep the invitation open just for 3 days!

Then it's over.

Yes, that means you have to register today and BLOCK OUT that day/time…

Drive yourself away from all distractions…

Take notes…

And then build YOUR own plan from what you learned…

Yes, that is my “evil” motivation… to make sure you actually show up, learn and take action on the knowledge...

19Hours: 10Minutes: 34Seconds

So that’s it!

Nothing to buy…

Just a commitment that YOU need to make.

• A commitment to register…
• A commitment to show up…
• And a commitment to take action...

You know how the old saying goes: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink…

Well, here is the water, now it’s your job to take a drink.

Thanks again, and I’ll see you on the other side!

Olawale Oladapo

P.S. - If you’re here looking for a quick recap… here it is.

When you register (for free), you’ll get access to the webinar that show you step by step what you need to do to get paid while helping your network of business owners (for free).

All you’ve got to do is register now & show up:

19Hours: 10Minutes: 34Seconds

Get Paid to help business owners grow

@ 2023 Project Funding America. All Rights Reserved.